Anti-Aging Tips

When it comes to wrinkle prevention, you’re never too young to start protecting your skin from the rigors of age. There are some tried and true methods to look younger than you actually are. Some are so vital that they merit repeating, while others you may not have heard of before.


Most dermatologists will tell you that staying out of the sun is one of the best things you can do for your skin. When you must be in the sun, wear an appropriate level of sunscreen and reapply regularly. Have you ever seen someone who spends a lot of time in the sun for work or just because they love the bright rays? The skin can take on a wrinkled, leathery appearance if overexposed for a long period of time.


Anti-aging eye serums can be applied to the corners of eyes to prevent tiny crow’s feet from appearing. Dab on over makeup mid-day for an extra wrinkle-preventing boost. Some women also dab a bit around the mouth area, where laugh lines like to appear. Although the formula is made for sensitive eyes, it is a moisturizer that will also work on other areas.


Hands show the age of a woman, even when her face lacks wrinkles. When applying anti-aging products, remember to put some on the backs of your hands to protect them as well. The skin on hands is thinner than other parts of the body, so give your hands the extra care they deserve.

Finally, don’t be afraid to try new products. Even though your mother and your mother’s mother may have used a particular type of face cream, times change and there are advances in the way products are made that can keep you looking younger longer than the generations that wore skin care products before you.